My Own Home As Long As Possible!
Faith Based Resource list from Mark Schoepp:
I view all this through the lens of stewardship - “giving God our best, in all areas of our life”. That includes taking the best care of our bodies that we can, for as long as we can.
Excellent Faith Based Resources available from:
A. ALOA - ( Adult Lutherans Organized for Action. Explore the web site for a wide range of resources including:
1) “Why is this important” - an affirmation of older adult ministry. (Under the “Congregations” menu tab.);
2) “Key Ministry Areas” - 5 key areas for churches and individuals to focus on for a strong faith based ministry. (Under Congregations” menu tab.);
3) “Faith Stories” (menu tab) - process for older adults to video record their faith testimony for future generations;
4) “Webinars” (menu tab) - Ongoing webinars on a wide variety of topics with an archive of past episodes;
5) “Resources” (menu tab) - a long list of resources for individuals and congregations;
6) “Newsletter” (menu tab) - get on their mailing list for regular updates; and
7) “Events” (menu tab) - Various retreats and Conferences focused on faith based ministry with and for older adults. And much more…
B. Book: Elders Rising by Roland Martinson. Help for congregations to better serve the needs of elders and integrate their wisdom and capacity in the congregation’s mission and ministry. On Amazon.
As an older adult we have gifts to give our own families and our church family. We can always be an influence by living and sharing our faith with children and grandchildren (and beyond through “Faith Stories”). And we need to stay engaged with our church home with our faith gifts as well.
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